中国石化新闻网讯 据土耳其吉汉通讯社1月27日安卡拉报道,土耳其Hurriyet日报26日报道说,安卡拉在今后的几周内可能与荷兰皇家壳牌公司签署一项在黑海海上寻找石油和天然气的协议。
(李 峻 编译)
Shell could soon begin Black Sea exploration, report says
Jan, 27, 2013 02:13 PM - Cihan News Agency (Turkey)
ANKARA (CIHAN)- Ankara could reach an agreement with Royal Dutch Shell to search for oil and natural gas off the Black Sea coast in a few weeks, a Turkish daily reported on Saturday.
Hürriyet quoted Energy Ministry sources as saying the state-run Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) is considering signing a deal with Shell on Feb. 14 to survey and extract oil and gas from the Black Sea. The report does not come as a surprise, considering earlier speculation on Shell's plans to invest in the region.
After oil giant British Petroleum (BP) announced its pullout from Black Sea operations in November, the Turkish press speculated that Shell might be next to sign on with Ankara.
Shell is also reported to have proposed joint exploration for natural gas off Turkey's Mediterranean coast to TPAO.