中国石化新闻网讯 据印度《TendersInfo》2月18日东京报道,日本著名的国际石油和天然气勘探开采公司三井石油勘探公司最近一段时间一直在与日本投资和公司管理理事会(DICA)洽谈在缅甸的投资潜力。
2月13日,三井石油勘探公司副总裁Masanari Nagal和总经理Ken Takagi会见了DICA的高层官员,双方主要讨论了投资缅甸油气勘探一事。
(李 峻 编译)
MITSUI OIL EXPLORATION plans to spend money in MYANMAR oil and gas
Feb, 18, 2013 01:48 PM - TendersInfo (India)
Japan-based international oil and gas exploration and extraction company, Mitsui Oil Exploration Company Limited, has been in talks for investment potential in Myanmar with Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA).
On February 13, senior vice-president Masanari Nagai and general manager Ken Takagi met high officials of DICA and generally discussed regarding gas and oil exploration in Nay Pyi Taw.
At present, MOECO is drilling for oil in 26 countries across the globe comprising US, Japan, South Africa, Thailand and Oman. In the same way, Brunei National Petroleum Company showed their interest to work in Myanmar natural gas and oil industry last week.