
   2013-03-04 1640

    中国石化新闻网讯  据海外媒体3月2日里约热内卢报道,巴西政府3月1日宣布,巴西5月份举行的特许权拍卖将增加油气勘探区块。巴西政府官员说,他们将增加117个区块,使得投资者在年底前能够获得的区块总数增加到289个。




    (李 峻 编译)



    Brazil to offer additional oil and gas blocks

    March 2, 2013

    The Brazil government announced it will be adding oil and gas exploration blocks to a concession auction in May. Officials from the South American country said they would add 117 blocks, raising the total number available to bidders throughout the year to 289, Dow Jones News Wires reported. The May concession auction will be Brazil's first since 2008.

    The auction is expected to draw interest from global oil companies, the article stated, because the blocks are located in the ideal area, which could hold promising findings. Analysts predict the area to contain oil reserves similar to what was found off Africa's west coast as well as discoveries in French Guyana.

    Brazil will also be holding a bidding round for pre-salt exploration blocks in November. The available blocks are located both onshore and offshore are expected to total more than 57,000 square miles. Officials also believe the auction will attract investments of up to $1 billion.

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