石油设备网讯 据彭博社得克萨斯州欧文市1月16日报道,埃克森美孚公司今天宣布,它在位于巴布亚新几内亚西部省的P'yangang South-2陆上钻井经钻探后探到了油气。
埃克森美孚开发公司(ExxonMobil Development Company)总裁利亚姆•马隆(Liam Mallon)表示:“我们目前正在评估油井产量,并与我们的合资伙伴一起评估P 'nyang油田资源潜力和开发途径。”
该井被安全钻进到8,940英尺,在托罗(Toro )和Digimu砂岩到达高质量的含油气储层,符合钻前的预期。
石油勘探有限公司(Oil Search)在2017年12月22日开始钻探P'angang South-2油井。
石油勘探有限公司(Oil Search)的子公司与钻井运营商持有38.5%的股份,JX Nippon持有12.5%的股份。
蔡小全 编译自 彭博社
ExxonMobil encounters hydrocarbons onshore Papua New Guinea
ExxonMobil today announced that it encountered hydrocarbons after drilling the onshore P’nyang South-2 well, located in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea.
“We are currently evaluating the well results and together with our co-venture partners will assess the P’nyang field resource potential and development pathway,” said Liam Mallon, president of ExxonMobil Development Company.
“We will work with the government of Papua New Guinea as we undertake this work.”
The well was safely drilled to 8,940 ft, reaching high-quality, hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Toro and Digimu sandstones, consistent with pre-drilling expectations.
Oil Search began drilling the P’nyang South-2 well on Oct. 22, 2017.
The well is located in petroleum retention license 3, which covers 105,000 acres.
ExxonMobil affiliates operate the license with a 49% interest in the block.
Affiliates of Oil Search, drilling operator, have a 38.5% interest and JX Nippon has 12.5% interest.