
   2019-05-17 石油设备网wangfang37860
核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据全球石油新闻网2019年5月14日奥斯陆报道,挪威著名的能源研究和咨询公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)表示,在已经紧张的原油市场之上的中东地区供应中断可能会导致油价大幅上涨。据报道,两艘沙特阿拉伯油轮本周末在阿联酋海岸遭遇袭击,导致原油期货价格在5月13日出现大幅上涨。雷斯塔能源公司说,导致目前全球石油市场供应紧张的原因,石油输出国组织(欧佩克)正在进行减产,俄罗斯因乌拉尔原油的污染而中断出口,哈萨克斯坦的维护作业以及北海夏季几个月的计划维护作业。雷斯塔能源公司指出:“

石油设备网讯 据全球石油新闻网2019年5月14日奥斯陆报道,挪威著名的能源研究和咨询公司雷斯塔能源公司(Rystad Energy)表示,在已经紧张的原油市场之上的中东地区供应中断可能会导致油价大幅上涨。






李峻 编译自 全球石油新闻


Oil Price Risks Rise to Dangerous Levels

Supply disruptions in the Middle East on top of an already tight crude market could send oil prices violently upward, said the energy research firm Rystad Energy.

Two Saudi Arabian oil tankers were reportedly attacked off the coast of the United Arab Emirates this weekend, sending crude futures up sharply May 13.

The tightness in prompt supplies is caused by declines in production with ongoing OPEC cuts, outages in Russia owing to the Urals contamination, maintenance in Kazakhstan, plus planned maintenance in the North Sea during the summer months.

“The oil market is reacting today not because the physical market suddenly has lost more oil supplies, but because of risks that the market may lose more oil in the coming weeks and months given the heightened risk of supply disruptions from the critical Persian Gulf region. Raising tensions even higher, news flows suggest the latest incident might be related to the conflict, which puts the Strait of Hormuz in play,” Tonhaugen said.

The incident occurred near the Strait of Hormuz, the world’s most important oil artery. Around 40% of the world’s traded crude oil is transported through the waterway between  the north and UAE/Oman to the south.

Approximately 90% of Saudi Arabian crude exports and 75% of Iraqi exports pass through this shipping lane, in addition to all oil exports from Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.

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