
   2019-05-21 石油设备网Yuanyou8930
核心提示:Exxon Mobil, which has a long term contract to improve the oilfield on behalf of Iraq's state South Oil Company, withdrew all foreign staff, around 60 people, Iraqi officials have said. The evacuation came just days after the United States withdrew n

石油设备网讯 据5月19日路透社巴格达报道,伊拉克石油部长塔玛·加德班周日表示,埃克森美孚周六从伊拉克南部的西古尔纳1油田撤出其外籍员工的决定是“不可接受和不合理的”。




拥有该油田的伊拉克国有南方石油公司(South Oil Company)负责人伊桑阿卜杜勒贾巴尔(Ihsan Abdul Jabbar)周六表示,该油田的生产没有受到撤离的影响,在伊拉克工程师的监督下,工作仍在正常进行。他补充说,该油田产量仍保持在每天44万桶。

孙子舒 编译自 路透社


Exxon evacuates foreign staff from Iraqi oilfield

Exxon Mobil's decision to evacuate its foreign staff from the West Qurna 1 oilfield in southern Iraq on Saturday was "unacceptable and unjustified", Iraq's Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Sunday.

"The withdrawal of multiple employees - despite their small number - temporarily has nothing to do with the security situation or threats in the oilfields in of southern Iraq, but it's for political reasons," Ghadhban said in a statement.

Exxon Mobil, which has a long term contract to improve the oilfield on behalf of Iraq's state South Oil Company, withdrew all foreign staff, around 60 people, Iraqi officials have said.

The evacuation came just days after the United States withdrew non-essential staff from its embassy in Baghdad.Ghadhban said he sent a letter to Exxon Mobil asking for the company to immediately return to work at the southern oilfield, ahead of a meeting with company executives later this week.

Production at the oilfield was not affected by the evacuation and work was continuing normally, overseen by Iraqi engineers, the chief of Iraq's state-owned South Oil Company which owns the oil field, Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said on Saturday. He added that production remains at 440,000 barrels per day (bpd).


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