EIA: 2018年美国90%的天然气用于国内生产

   2019-07-12 石油设备网Ryan95160
核心提示:US natural gas production has increased in the past decade as the widespread adoption of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques has allowed producers to more economically produce natural gas from shale formations. Shale gas now makes up a

石油设备网讯 据管道新闻网7月10日消息称,天然气是美国的主要能源之一。2018年,美国消费的天然气90%以上用于国内生产。EIA的美国天然气流量图有助于直观地了解美国天然气供应(生产、进口和从存储中提取)和处置(消费、出口和添加到存储中)的要素。




曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网


EIA: 90% of natural gas used in the US in 2018 was produced domestically

Natural gas is one of the main sources of energy in the United States. In 2018, more than 90% of the natural gas consumed in the United States was produced domestically. EIA’s US natural gas flow diagram helps to visualise the elements of US natural gas supply (production, imports, and withdrawals from storage) and disposition (consumption, exports, and additions to storage).

US natural gas production and consumption have both generally increased since the mid-2000s, and both dry, or consumer-grade, natural gas production and consumption reached record highs of about 30 trillion ft3 in 2018. In both 2017 and 2018, annual dry natural gas production exceeded consumption for the first time since 1966.

US natural gas production has increased in the past decade as the widespread adoption of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques has allowed producers to more economically produce natural gas from shale formations. Shale gas now makes up a higher percentage of total US natural gas production than natural gas produced from both traditional natural gas wells and from crude oil wells as associated natural gas. Smaller volumes of natural gas are also produced from coal seams, called coalbed methane.

In 2018, gross withdrawals of natural gas and other compounds extracted at the wellhead in the United States totalled 37 trillion ft3, with more than half coming from shale gas wells. Marketed natural gas production, which excludes natural gas used for repressuring the well, vented and flared gas, and any non-hydrocarbon gases, was nearly 33 trillion ft3. US marketed natural gas was further processed into 30 trillion ft3 of dry natural gas and 2 trillion ft3 of natural gas plant liquids.


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