
   2019-07-16 石油设备网wangfang73920
核心提示:Offshore oil, gas production continues to be shut in as US Gulf Coast prepares for Tropical Storm Barry landfalTropical Storm Barry is expected to make landfall over the central Louisiana Coast on Saturday, bringing the potential for extreme flooding, Nat

石油设备网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年7月12日华盛顿报道,美国国家飓风中心(National Hurricane Center)周五发布的信息显示,预计热带风暴“巴里”(Barry)将在周六在路易斯安那州中部海岸登陆,“巴里”此次登陆可能引发路易斯安那州极端洪水。

美国内政部安全和环境执法局(Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement)周五表示,在飓风来临之前,墨西哥湾的油气钻探企业已经关闭了59%的石油生产和49%的天然气产量。


李峻 编译自 Platts


Offshore oil, gas production continues to be shut in as US Gulf Coast prepares for Tropical Storm Barry landfal

Tropical Storm Barry is expected to make landfall over the central Louisiana Coast on Saturday, bringing the potential for extreme flooding, National Hurricane Center information showed Friday.

The US Department of Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said Friday that Gulf of Mexico drillers had shuttered 59% of oil production and 49% of natural gas output ahead of storm.

about 1.1 million b/d, or 59%, of Gulf of Mexico oil production and 1.4 Bcf/d, or 49%, of natural gas output remains shut at Tropical Storm Barry approaches the Louisiana coast, the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said Friday.


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