
   2019-08-06 石油设备网wangfang92060
核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯澳大利亚堪培拉8月5日消息,美国正在考虑对澳大利亚开放其应急原油储备,因有关航运安全的担忧上升,同时这个美国盟国应对全球原油供应短缺的能力也令人忧虑。长期以来,在应对原油贸易中断的全球最后一道防线上,澳大利亚都是最薄弱的环节。在国际能源署(IEA)的30个成员国里,澳大利亚是唯一一个原油储备量无法满足三个月净进口需要的原油净进口国。该国至少从2012年开始就一直未能满足IEA的此项要求。据IEA最新数据显示,澳大利亚的原油储备只够57天的净进口需求。澳大利亚能源部长泰勒(Angu

石油设备网讯 据道琼斯澳大利亚堪培拉8月5日消息,美国正在考虑对澳大利亚开放其应急原油储备,因有关航运安全的担忧上升,同时这个美国盟国应对全球原油供应短缺的能力也令人忧虑。


澳大利亚能源部长泰勒(Angus Taylor)称∶“我们正在设法尽快与美国达成协议,这样一来,若出现供应中断,若出现不利于原油的负担能力和可获性的局面,我们就有了一个可用的解决方案。”

庞晓华摘译自 道琼斯


Australia Looks to Siphon U.S. Oil Stockpile to Avoid Running Out of Gas

The U.S. is considering opening its emergency oil reserves to Australia, as concerns grow about shipping security and this Washington allys ability to withstand a global oil-supply shock.

Australia has long been the weakest link in the worlds last line of defense against a disruption to the trade in crude oil. It is the only buyer of crude among the 30 members of the International Energy Agency without enough oil in storage to cover net imports for three months. It has failed to meet that IEA requirement since at least 2012. It has 57 days of net coverage in backup supplies, according to most recent IEA data.

Were working as quickly as possible to get a deal done with the U.S., said Energy Minister Angus Taylor. If there is disruption, if there are things that happen [that] are not helpful to the affordability and availability of oil, we have a solution available.


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